
From being a cattle ranch we became a multidisciplinary productive model combining conservation and reforestation.

Livestock has been the ranch’s main activity for more than 50 years. However, as of 2008 we began the development of the conservation project and in 2016 the commercial forest plantation.

Due to the fires, which have unfortunately been increasing in recent years, the already established plantation was lost in 2019 . Despite this, we redoubled our efforts and in 2020 we replanted 29,500 trees of native species.

What is the palo de tinto tree?

The palo de tinto tree (Haematoxilum campechanum) is an endemic tree of southeast Mexico and northeast Central America, from which various timber products can be extracted, but its main virtue is a coloring substance called Hematoxylin.

Since pre-Columbian times, the Mayans used the “palo ek’ ”(red wood) ink to dye fabrics and give a red hue to their writings and drawings. Later, during colonizing, it became a very precious product, since in those times large quantities of this wood was exported to supply the dyeing industry in Europe, which also caused great conflicts between the Spanish and English conquerors, at first due to looting by pirates and smugglers, and later by the control of their exploitation and trade.

Hematoxylin has an extensive application in the medical area. It is used in histology to diagnose the state of health of tissues. Although synthetic dyes have been developed for the same purpose, it has not been possible to replace it due to its effectiveness and cost of production.

The red tree grows grouping into groups of trees called «Tintales», which are ecosystems rich in biodiversity. Being a fast-growing tree, represents an excellent opportunity for CO2 sequestration.

Some Facts Of 2020


Preserved Hectares


Hectares To Be Preserved


Planted Trees

Km 30 Santa Adelaida - Palizada, 24206, Palizada Campeche México